• MedWand VirtualCare Platform

  • Connecting Clinician...

  • ... to Patient

  • Enabling Clinical Care, Anywhere

MedWand VirtualCare platform transforms the telemedicine experience for clinicians and patients, enabling virtual house calls and remote clinics.

Moving beyond simple audio or video conferencing, VirtualCare platform provides clinicians a fully featured remote examination and consultation platform that integrates with your existing EHR and Patient Management software.

Work the Way You Want To!

- Advances telemedicine to the next level   

- Supports multi-party video communication

- Monitor Stethoscope audio in real time      

- Monitor Electrocardiograms in real time*   

- Capture all vitals with clinical accuracy 

- Ingest ancillary vital data via Bluetooth    

- Single Password Log-In for ease of use      

- Add MedWand exams to your schedule 

- Import patient information from the EHR  

- Export captured vitals and notes to EHR   

Stethoscope Real-Time Monitoring Example

* FDA clearance for ECG pending


Why use Anomaly Indication?

At MedWand we believe that AI can play an integral part in a clinician's decision making process, diagnosing and developing treatment plans for their patients. We see this future being a healthy partnership, and not a replacement, where AI and clinicians work together to maximize positive patient outcomes while minimizing costs and errors.

As such, we view AI that assist with a patient's diagnosis as "Anomaly Indication" - a layer of assistance that will alert a health care provider when something in that patients data is abnormal. Partnerships between MedWand and leaders in the AI field will help facilitate this powerful technology into modern exams in a way that empowers clinicians and promotes the best care possible for the patient.